Monday, April 19, 2010

Prom at the S-club

On April 10th we had our Junior Senior Prom...We dressed up and just had a fun night. Everyone had some great entrances. I came in in Kyle Winns Semi..Escorted by my dad and I can say that was the best thing ever..even if he did get a little teary as he helped my down out of the semi..I thought I'd share some pics.

I've waited this long for what.

Just something I wanted to share.

We finally have some Knowledge in our heads and Many Miles on our shoes. We are just about ready to pursue any Journey that we see fit to choose.There are approximately 41 days til we are finally set free to go. For this day we have waited a long time and our senioritis is starting to show. Through the past 13 years our class has over come alot. But I think we can all admit things are lookin up as its nearing our time to shine...Somehow though I can honestly say I never really expected to spend 113, 880 hours of my life. In school working my but off for a piece of paper, a handshake, and a heartfelt goodbye...--Senior cap and Gown pic day...April 16,2010